Digital Ocean is a developer level cloud hosting provider which main office located in New York, United State. It has data centers worldwide. In 2003, Ben and Moisey Uretsky, through a cloud hosting survey, noticed that every hosting company in the world works with large enterprise clients. At that time small website owners did not get the opportunity to use the cloud server. So these two guys could feel that lack very well then. Following this, Digital Ocean Cloud Hosting Provider Company was formed on June 24, 2011. So Digital Ocean is the Pioneer, the first to offer low-cost cloud hosting to general website owners.
Digitalocean server in Bangalore, India
This article is specially for Indian bloggers who want to host their website in an Indian cloud server because of their Indian traffic. It is currently considered India to be the home of Fastest Growing Ecosystem. The cofounder of digital ocean Ben Uretsky thinks that “India is poised to unleash a tremendous amount of innovation in the next decade”.
Digital Ocean recently made an announcement on May 30, 2016 they said that Indian developers could launch Droplet at their nearest location as Digitalocean have set up a server called blr1 in Bangalore, India. Through which you can host any site in the cloud server for only $5 in India.
If anyone wants to create a website targeting Bangladesh traffic, the Indian Digital Ocean Server will also be suitable for him. Because it will be the closest cloud server from Bangladesh.
Unfortunately I can't show you this announcement from their website because for some reason the link where they gave this announcement is dead. However, I found a snapshot of the dead link that I am giving here.
Non developer solution

I have mentioned once above that digitalocean is a developer level hosting server. For those who only want to pursue a career in marketing, it is very normal not to know server management. Now if I tell him if you want to host your site in digitalocean you have to learn server management then most of all will leave and miss a cloud server.
But one solution here is to use a managed cloud server. This means that you will use Digital Ocean's cloud server but it will be managed by someone else on your behalf. One such platform is Cloudways from where you can host your site on the digital ocean and Cloudways will take over the responsibility of your entire server management.

The topic Hacktoberfest may not be completely relevant to today's article, but I want developers and marketers in India and Bangladesh to know better about it so that they can contribute there as well.
Hacktoberfest is a very innovative open source software celebration organized by DigitalOcean with GitHub as a partner. It is celebrated throughout the month of October every year with the participation of software developers from around 145 countries.
It's not something like a big competition type, but it's a big festival for software developers where they all get together. If you want to participate here, you have to make 5 contributions to Hacktoberfest before October 31st.
If you can contribute some quality then you will be gifted for it. They offer a brand new limited edition t-shirt or you can take plant a tree.
Last word
Those who want to create a site targeting India should try Digital Ocean. The great advantage of this is that you can scale the resources you need with a 100% uptime. I would also tell those who already have an India-centric site to use Digital Ocean's Indian server by migrating their website.